My new blog
This is the new blog replacing and supplementing the long unlinked . And yes that is my real name, and no I can’t tell you how to stash your drugs. It’s a common enough name, I have noticed. I worry about the lunatics, but I am no doubt deluding myself to think that those with even modest capacity don’t already know about me what the internet can tell, which is a lot. I’m Yellow all the time on the Cooper Scale in any event. No, it’s named for a different Cooper.
My plan is to get 5 or so posts here, then start charging for access. If you want to know about my writing style, topics, or ideas, visit either of those websites. Thousands of posts should be enough for anyone to get a feel for me and what I do.
For now I wanted to share an idea that just popped in my head. Edward de Bono, in his book Practical Thinking, identified and described certain types of thinking errors. Arrogance he called the “Must Be” mistake, and called it “an error in the future.”
To mansplain, potentially to men, you can be arrogant and right RIGHT NOW. But sooner or later making assumptions gets you in trouble, and if you think you are the smartest thing ever, you not only won’t avoid trouble, but you will most likely fail to recognize it once your stupidity has conjured it. This is the basic pattern for those Leftists who retain any degree of sincerity. The rest, like Chuck Schumer and Pelosi, are just in the game because it pays well and they love attention.
But what I will add to this is that FEAR is also a mistake in the future. At some point fear will close a path for you that was clearly open. It will blind you to obvious realities, particularly if they are unpleasant realities you don’t want to face. But realities have the trait of not reacting or changing in any way in response to your decision to stick your head in the ground.